SUCEAVA (centre), Str. Simion Florea Marian no. 1 bis
(intersection between "Mihai Viteazul" street and "6 Noiembre" street)
GPS: Latitude 47.6449533; Longitude 26.2548197
You can reach Suceava by car (5-6 hours from Bucharest), by train (5-6 trains per day, including Intercity and Express) or by plane (maximum 1 hour from Bucharest).If available on request, transport from the train station or airport can be provided.For those who come by train or plane, we can facilitate the connection with companies that organize trips to the monasteries in Bucovina.
You can book rooms by email or phone.
+4 0742 96 29 88 (Recepţie)
+4 0723 28 78 98 (Manager)
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